Turtles Rule!

I have yet to meet the person who is not excited for a chance to come face to face with a Green Sea Turtle.  The day I do, I will probably run for my life because there’s something seriously wrong with that guy.

Let’s be real – how can you not just love such a magnificent creature? Of all the cool and crazy creatures we are privileged to see, the turtle is easily the most graceful and alluring.

image of a Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle

Turtles are popular enough that most people know at least one or two basic facts.  For example, you probably already know that sea turtles create a nest on the beach and then lay eggs.  But, did you know that each nest averages about 115 eggs?  With that many eggs, perhaps one day sea turtle populations worldwide will be able to recover to the point that turtles will no longer be listed as an endangered, or even protected, species.

In spite of the large number of eggs produced by a female sea turtle, populations worldwide are showing an overall declining trend.  The exception is Hawaii where the green turtle population is actually increasing in abundance and has increased 53% over the last 25 years. This increasing population is most visible here on Kauai due to the fact that the bulk of the nesting population is found among the uninhabited islands to the north.  As the northern population increases, turtles migrate south with Kauai being their first good chance for a new home.

image of a green sea turtle
A Friendly Green Turtle

Years ago I read that turtles continue to grow throughout their lives.  So, the larger a turtle is, the older it is.  Marine scientists don’t know how long turtles live but believe it to be up to 80 years.  Whatever the true lifespan is, it must be a long time since it is typical for adults to weigh about 300 to 400 pounds!  Some can be as heavy as 440 pounds and the largest green turtle ever found was 5 feet in length and 871 pounds!!!

Come scuba diving on Kauai with Garden Isle Divers and we will take you to a place where you can have your own personal face to face encounter with sea turtles.

There be dragons here

Dragons, as most people understand them, are mythical creatures – huge fire breathing reptiles that can fly and sometimes even speak human language. That idea is nonsense but dragons do exist!

image of A Small Dragon Moray
A Small Dragon Moray

According to the Maui Ocean Center, there are 42 species of eel that can be found in Hawaii. According to everybody who knows their eels, the Dragon is the most exciting. I had a client recently who came here from Zurich, Switzerland hoping to see “the Holy Grail of eels.” Smart move on his part coming to Kauai because our local dive site, Koloa Landing, is famously popular for the great chance of finding one.

image of a dragon moray
Adult Dragon Moray Eel

Dragons can grow up to three feet long and are skilled predators of fish and octopus.  They have nostril tubes at the tip of their snout and a second pair above their eyes that look like horns.  The “horns”, together with a curved mouth and needle sharp teeth make the Dragon Moray appear ferocious.  In reality, if you keep your hands to yourself you are completely safe.  That is a lesson that we, as divers, should apply to all creatures on the reef – keep your hands to yourself.

A Regular Day

We were having a pretty regular day of scuba diving at Koloa Landing the other day.  In other words, it was spectacular!!!  Looking at the picture below you might think we were in a less interesting area of the reef.  You’d be wrong.  The rubble flats are home to some of the wildest creatures you will ever see.

image of a scuba diver underwater
Scuba Diver At 40 Feet

That picture was taken just seconds after finding a huge Commersons Frog Fish.  Easily the largest I’ve seen.  Commersons Frog Fish are ambush predators.  They sit patiently for long periods of time just waiting for some unsuspecting little fish to come swimming by.  Then, in just hundredths of a second, they open their giant mouth so fast that the victim gets sucked into the frog fish’s mouth and swallowed whole.  It happens so fast it’s like watching a magic trick: Now you see it, now you don’t.  It’s as if the fish simply blinks out of existence.

image of a Commersons Frogfish
Commersons Frogfish

Within minutes of finding the frog fish we had also found 2 Leaf Scorpionfish, a Devil Scorpionfish and 7 species of eel including a Dragon Moray.  So yeah, a regular day of scuba diving on Kauai’s coral reef.